1:1 Coaching

‘ the Alchemist container’ 

9 Session Program

90 min 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Includes: 6 Full sessions, 2 Accountability Sessions, 1 Calibration session (optional). An Astrology Reading (optional). 

6 Pillars we work on in our training: 

1. Authenticity and Self Exploration- Clients will identify their values and beliefs, and begin developing positive self esteem practices. 

2. Emotional Resilience and Coping Strategies-  Clients will focus on self care practices that aid in managing stress, coping with challenges, and cultivating emotional resilience in face of adversity.  

3. Goal Visioning + Clarity - Clients will identify what success and fulfillment mean for them and begin to develop a clear vision on their goals/ ideal life.

4. Empowerment and Self Advocacy- Clients will learn how to distinguish and advocate for their needs/priorities, and set healthy boundaries that help them to better value themselves while pursuing their goals. 

5. Connection and Community Building- Clients will determine their personal and professional relationship goals, and begin cultivating their community/tribe of like minded folks + mentors. 

6. Taking Action- Clients will begin breaking down large goals into smaller manageable tasks, and strategize their next action steps. Clients will begin stepping out of their comfort zone! - followed up with to accountability sessions 

**These themes will be tailored to what the client specifically needs.

** This training goes beyond 9 sessions, it is a lifestyle change which will require a level of commitment as well as patience with yourself. There will be homework to help you integrate these themes into your daily life. I will be guiding you through each step. 

Price: $2,500- Option to pay in full or pay 3 installments of 833.33

Are you ready to become an effective leader in your life- through radical self love, and total mind body connection?

My coaching programs offer foundational support to help you achieve greater self awareness, confidence, and problem solving skills. 

I offer 3 containers:

  1. the ‘ALCHEMIST’ container

  2. the ‘ TEACHING’ container

  3. the ‘BODY’ container

‘ the TEACHING container’

5 Weeks

90 min 1:1 Coaching Sessions 

Includes 1 Accountability check in session, optional Calibration Session 

A Teaching Mentorship Program- Open for all levels of students and teachers seeking to break out of their comfort zone and move away from self-limiting beliefs around teaching and holding space. You will be encouraged to activate your creativity, and craft classes + sequencing that storytell through music, asana, and other movements. 

By the end of training students will have a variety of sequences to use for their auditions and classes

5 Pillars we work on in the training: 

1 Intelligent sequencing: Students will learn how to seamlessly weave together a ‘ purposeful movement driven class’ from start to finish. 

2 Musicality + Movement: Students will learn how to construct playlists that support and enhance the structure of a class. Music will be used as a tool to help tell a story. 

3 How to hold Space: Inclusive language and movement for ALL: Students will learn how to create a safe class atmosphere that allows others to feel seen through inclusive language and movement for all bodies.

4 Creative Sequencing Discover your style: Students will be encouraged to tap into their inner child/ creative vault and craft a themed class that shows their personality and style. It is ok to be unconventional and still follow a framework; this is what makes your style unique and keeps students coming back to your class. 

5 Build Your Brand : On and Off Camera: Students will identify their teaching goals as well as social media presence + strategy. Students will develop/ strengthen their Digital Portfolios. 

Price: $1000 payment plan options: 333.33

‘ the BODY container’

Begin your optimal health and wellbeing journey! 

Train with me: Yoga, Pilates, Barre, Mobility, Stretch, Somatic Movement, Yin, Meditation, Breath-work, and more


Class packages: 

5 class, 10 class, 1:1 private sessions

1 hour 

Includes: Weekly accountability + check ins throughout our sessions 

30 min intro - discuss body + diet goals and map out a routine +prepare proper equipment


5 class pack- $475

10 class- 950

1 Virtual Private $100